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Chinese Tea Ceremony

Open Heart Energy Space Cleansing service includes a host of elements intended to clear and/or shift undesired energies. Whether at home or at the work-space, Space Cleansing can make a difference. Modalities include, but are not limited to, smudging, chanting, sound vibrations, crystal placement, and Feng Shui. 

Ronen Divon with his teacher, Master Ken Lo

Ronen Divon with his teacher, Master Ken Lo

Sifu Ken Lo with his teacher Grandmaster Luo Chien Wu

Sifu Ken Lo with his teacher Grandmaster Luo Chien Wu

Traditional Chinese Tea Ceremony

We offer a Traditional Chinese Tea Ceremony (Gongfu Chá) in the tradition of the Ming Dynasty style. Gongfu Chá literally means "making tea with high skill".

Handpicked, rare whole leaf teas of an exquisite quality are served in the Gongfu method with Yixing teaware. These teas, brought from China and Taiwan, are not to be confused with black tea (as in typical store-purchased tea bags,) neither with teas serves at a Chinese restaurant (low quality tea,) nor with herbal teas. The cost of the tea can be very high, some teas reaching hundreds and even thousands of dollars per pound. Though containing no hallucinatory ingredients, many participants report a sense of sweet euphoria during and after the ceremony. This is the result of excellent tea served properly.

The ceremony offered comes in two different structures.
I. Serving the tea is combined with art and culture, presented by both the Tea Concierge (aka Tea Master,) as well as by those participants who elect, if they wish, to share their art.
II. The ceremony can be combined with the telling of the 10 Bulls of Zen story, presented by the Tea Concierge, Ronen Divon.

A Traditional Chinese Tea Ceremony is unlike a Japanese or Korean Tea Ceremony. The former is more loose in structure and assumes the form of friends getting together for a cultured afternoon of drinking tea and enjoying each other’s company; all enhanced by the company at hand, as well as by the exquisite tea being served. In a typical two hour event, approximately ten rounds of three different teas are served.

We hold a group ceremony every few months. Location may vary. Please check our events page for the next scheduled event. If none are listed at current, please contact us and advise that you wish to be notified of the next event.
We also offer this ceremony in private settings. If you wish to host a ceremony at your location, please contact us to schedule. Pricing varies depending on the number of participants and the location.

This is an unforgettable experience not to be missed. Guests to this event will be transported into the world of the ancient Chinese Literati-Scholars.


Ronen Divon had been training with Tea Master Sifu Ken Lo for over a decade. Sifu Ken Lo Xing Gui, Wu Mei Pai Grandmaster, is the 7th generation head of the Wu Mei Pai Martial Arts lineage. He has been studying calligraphy, painting and Tea Arts under Grandmaster Luo Chien Wu since 1985.